How To Wash Your Diamond Earrings At Home In 5 Simple Steps

Washing your diamond earrings for wedding or wearing them for any special occasion is really a lot easier than most people might think. All you really need is a little soap and some warm water, to begin with. Follow these steps to wash diamond earrings: Step 1 Create a mix of 1 cup of warm water and 1 teaspoon of dish soap in a small container. Mix the water with your fingers until it thickens. Take dish soap that does not include dyes or fragrances that can damage the metal. Step 2 Dip the diamond earrings in soapy water and make them soak for three or four minutes. This removes any impurities or oil in the metal or the back of the diamond setting. Step 3 Take one of the diamond earrings and rinse the soft toothbrush with soapy water. Nicely operate the diamond earring in your hand as you rub the stone and metal with a toothbrush. Step 4 Put the earring back in the water and take the second earring. Rub this with a soft toothbrush soaked in soapy water. Conscientiously drop the earri...